888888 发表于 2022-11-25 19:20:07



01.Course Overview.Course Overview
02.Setup of Your First Particle System.Emit Particles
03.Setup of Your First Particle System.Render Particles into 2D Space
04.Setup of Your First Particle System.Duplicate and Reuse Your Particle System
05.Setup of Your First Particle System.Create a Smoke Trail with a Noise and Random Seed
06.Expressions, ParticleCurves, and Turbulences.Particles Expressions
07.Expressions, ParticleCurves, and Turbulences.Modify Particles with Curves
08.Expressions, ParticleCurves, and Turbulences.Particle Turbulences
09.Expressions, ParticleCurves, and Turbulences.Compositing of Your Several Particles Systems
10.Create a 3D Floating Dust Particle System.Create a Floating Dust Particle System
11.Create a 3D Floating Dust Particle System.Adding Forces.Turbulence and Wind
12.Create a 3D Floating Dust Particle System.Relight Particles in a 3D Scene
13.Create a 3D Floating Dust Particle System.Zdefocus on particles
14.Create a 3D Floating Dust Particle System.Combining Elements
15.Create a 3D Floating Dust Particle System.Finishing the Shot

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查看完整版本: NUKEX粒子系统核心训练教程